Wednesday, May 6, 2009

When April Showers Bring May Flowers

Hi friends. It is getting close to that time of the year again, when photography on Episode 2 can finally resume so we can complete what began over a year and a half ago ! The good news is we are now closer to the finish line than last year, but we still have a great deal to do. Several rather terrible things transpired in the life of yours truly in rapid succession - Not the least of which concerned my Mother getting very seriously ill over the Winter and nearly passing away twice !

I am thankful to have my Mother still alive and I remain hopeful of her full recovery from a life threatening Pneumonia. I can't believe I also made it through the Winter without dieing of a heart attack or some other physical rupture ! Between my dear Mother's suffering and this production's challenges, I have experienced whole new adventures in stress !

For this reason, and many others, Episode 2 will always remain a watershed event in my life ! Hey ! Look at the pretty Tulips !

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