Monday, December 1, 2008

Episode 2 Post Production Update for week ending November 30th, 2008

<<The good, the bad, and the ugly !

Hi friends. Editing continues to progress slowly but very well. I'm taking our production camera in for its yearly servicing this week. I purchased a hugely expensive 5 year service plan for the Canon XL H1 camera for the shocking sum of $699.00 ! No, this isn't another one of my regular typo's or mis-spellings. I meant to, in fact, write $699.00 wonderful Canuk bucks ! When you pay $12, 191.00 for a camera, then what's another $700.00 dollars to insure it gets the full authorized Canon servicing each year for the next five years ? Check out the pictures from the set of Episode 2: No Reflection. Maggie Owen, who plays Mary in Ep2 sent me along some snaps she took. Well, it's time to go straight back to editing. Try to guess who's who in the first shot.



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